
Valuation of LLP

The valuation of a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a comprehensive process aimed at determining the market value of the business or its shares. The flexibility in management and limited liability of participants make LLPs a popular business form in Kazakhstan. However, valuing an LLP requires an in-depth analysis of not only the company’s assets but also its capital structure, liabilities, and the rights of participants. PKF Valuation of Property provides professional valuation of LLP services, assisting owners, investors, and other stakeholders in making informed decisions.

What is Valuation of LLP?

Valuation of LLP encompasses a complete analysis of all company assets, including both tangible and intangible assets, financial indicators, liabilities, and the company’s market position. This process also takes into account the peculiarities of ownership structure and management of the LLP, allowing for an accurate determination of the business or its share value for various purposes.

Why is Valuation of LLP Necessary?

Valuation of LLP is important for numerous purposes, such as selling the company, attracting investments, reorganizing, dividing the business, or participating in legal disputes. It helps owners understand the actual value of the company, enabling them to make strategic decisions related to management and business development.

Features of Valuation of LLP in Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, the valuation of LLPs requires consideration of local legal norms related to the management and ownership of shares in the partnership. A critical aspect is the valuation of participants’ shares, rights, and obligations. PKF Valuation of Property offers LLP valuation services using international methodologies adapted to the conditions of Kazakhstan, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

Advantages of Working with PKF Valuation of Property

As part of the global PKF network, we utilize advanced valuation methodologies and have access to international resources, allowing us to deliver high-quality services. Our network of offices in nine cities across Kazakhstan ensures convenience and timely service, while our team of experts with extensive experience guarantees the quality of the valuation.

When Might Valuation of LLP be Required?

LLP valuation may be necessary in the following situations:

  • Selling the company or shares in it: to determine fair market value.
  • Attracting investments: to evaluate the business during negotiations with investors.
  • Reorganization: for fair asset division.
  • Legal disputes: to resolve conflicts among LLP participants or other parties.

What Documents are Needed for Valuation of LLP?

The following list of documents is not exhaustive and may be supplemented as necessary:

  • Copies of LLP founding documents (charter agreement, charter, certificate of state registration, statistical card, taxpayer identification certificate).
  • Sale and purchase agreement, acceptance certificate for the share in the authorized capital.
  • Payment documents confirming the acquisition of the share (if available, copy).
  • A financial reporting package (balance sheet with attachments) for the last three years, breakdown of fixed assets, information on social sphere assets on the company’s balance sheet, copies of ownership documents for major assets, breakdown of accounts receivable and payable with timelines and reasons for their occurrence.
  • Enterprise passport with descriptions of production capacities, technological processes, and history of the enterprise.
  • Protocol of the authorized body’s decision (according to the Charter) approving the transfer of shares as collateral.

Which Banks Accept Our Valuation of LLP Reports?

Our valuation of LLP reports are accepted by all banks in Kazakhstan (Halyk Bank, Bereke Bank, Forte Bank, Jusan Bank, NurBank, Eurasian Bank, Bank Center Credit, RBK, VTB Bank) and major financial institutions such as the Development Bank of Kazakhstan, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Eurasian Development Bank, and BV Management.

Understanding the true value of an LLP can be the key to successful negotiations and long-term business development. At PKF Valuation of Property, we offer a comprehensive approach based on years of experience and deep market knowledge. Our specialists will help you conduct a quick and quality valuation, providing data you can rely on. Fill out the form below, and we will contact you to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.

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