Valuation of intangible assets

Valuation of intangible assets

According to IFRS Intangible assets are assets that do not have a physical form. These can include patents, logos, franchises and trademarks, and know-how.

Like all assets, intangible assets are expected to generate economic profit for the company in the future.

In conditions of the country's transition to an innovative path of development, the role of the intellectual property institution is increasing, which should contribute to production of science-intensive, competitive products ensuring high rates of development and structural transformations in the economy.

The following tasks can be solved through valuation of the market value of intangible assets and other results of intellectual activity:

  • increase in the company's capitalization;
  • allocation of additional assets with independent commercial interest;
  • valuation of the material damage in case of illegal use of intangible assets by third parties.

In recent years, PKF-Valuation of Property has carried out over 100 dealings in intangible assets valuation of various industries enterprises. From year to year, the share of intangible assets valuation is growing in our company services structure.

Working with us, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Valuation of assets by highly qualified specialists, including those with international certificates RICS and CFA;
  • Services, the quality of which meets high international standards;
  • The objective value of your assets, value calculations of which are based on the estimated macroeconomic data purchased from the international analytical agency “The Economist Intelligence Unit” and analytical market and industry surveys carried out by our own analytics department;
  • Asset valuation report recognized/approved by the international auditing companies BIG4, financial institutions and second-tier banks.

18 years of experience in the branching network of offices allows us to conduct a high-quality assets valuation in any city of Kazakhstan.

Highly qualified specialists of PKF-Valuation of Property have the necessary competencies to valuate property for IFRS purposes. Our assessors are certified by RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Great Britain) and CFA Institute (Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst, USA), use the international standards in their work and constantly improve their professional competencies.

Some PKF-Valuation of Property projects in intangible assets valuation

An Automotive industry company, JSC, manufacturing cars
Items subject to valuation: Trademarks, license to use technical documentation, rights to use utility models and industrial designs, feasibility study and pre-design estimates for a car plant construction.
Purpose of valuation: For the purpose of pledging of collateral to the Bank (EDB) to finance the project
Benefit for the customer: the company received a loan

A company, LLP, engaged in exploration and production of iron ores
Items subject to valuation: right of subsurface use, right of temporary use of land at a charge (lease)
Purpose of valuation: for the purpose of pledged collateral valuation in Halyk Bank within the framework of the AQR project
Benefit for the customer: The collateral value was confirmed

A company, LLP, engaged in oil fields exploration
Items subject to valuation: right of subsurface use
Purpose of valuation: for the purpose of pledged collateral valuation in Halyk Bank within the framework of the AQR project
Benefit for the customer: The collateral value was confirmed

A company, LLP, engaged in extraction of gold-silver, copper-zinc ores
Items subject to valuation: right of subsurface use
Purpose of the valuation: for the purpose of pledged collateral valuation
Benefit for the customer: the company received a loan
